
The Geneva Cities Hub celebrates its 2nd Anniversary!

The past year was full of exciting initiatives.

Our flagship event series, the Geneva Urban Debates and the City Diplomacy Events offered great opportunities to discuss with local authorities, member states and international organizations such important issues as the state and future of multilateralism, human rights, sustainable development, economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic, sustainable water management in urban areas, etc.

We strengthened our cooperation with UN-Habitat and the UN regional economic commissions.

We reflected upon means and ways to support the participation of local authorities in different Geneva-based international fora.

We focused our attention on the most pressing challenges for cities at WHO, OHCHR, ITU, WSIS, ICRC and UNHCR.

The coming year brings new opportunities and we will keep on walking the talk and supporting cities and city networks to contribute more effectively to multilateral processes and bodies in Geneva.

Our key thematic priorities for 2022 are urban health, human rights, sustainable smart cities and climate change and the environment.

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