
Investment at subnational level

On 2 March, the Geneva Cities Hub was invited by R20 to the panel on “Blended finance for infrastructure investment at subnational level”. The event was mainly targeting the finance sector and presenting new opportunities to invest into projects that help address climate change and achieve sustainable development goals. The Geneva Cities Hub was invited to speak about the importance of the subnational level.

Ms. Anh Thu Duong, GCH Co-Director, recalled in that regard that “Cities are not considered anymore as a space or a territory where things happen, but they have become political actors which make things happen”.

The creation of the GCH testifies to that. Indeed, the GCH founders believe that cities have a major role to play in global governance. And that is particularly the case in sustainable development and climate change. Cities and other local and regional governments have sent clear policy signals in those areas, demonstrating that they are ahead of the game when it comes to designing tools and solutions with positive impact. Thus, from a political and economic point of view, it only makes sense to invest in those actors that have the willingness and the capacities to make change. They are the ones that have taken concrete measures to fight climate change and achieve sustainable development.

Watch the video here.

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