

Read articles on our activities and inclusive multilateralism in International Geneva

Local and Regional Governments make their way to the United Nations Human Rights Council

Local and Regional Governments (LRGs) are increasingly included in the work of the UN Human Rights mechanisms as key participants or stakeholders /partners of States, NGOs and UN agencies. Thanks to the work of international agencies and organisations and the growing understanding by States of the importance of including them, three significant resolutions are mentioning …

“New multilateralism” requires engaging with Local & Regional Governments & providing them with a status at the UN

On 29 March 2023, GCH Co-Director Anh Thu Duong took part in a peer-learning roundtable dedicated to SDG11 (sustainable cities and communities) held in the framework of the UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development. The event offered the opportunity to States to hear from cities in the European and Central Asia region (Athens, Bishkek, Bonn, …

Our 2022 Annual Report is out!

In 2022, the Geneva Cities Hub pursued its mission, to better connect cities, local and regional governments to the International Geneva ecosystem. The year has been marked by the 2nd Forum of Mayors, the launch of the Coalition “Local and Regional Governments in UPR”, increased participation of Mayors in the ITU WSIS event & our …

Mayors’ events at WSIS Forum 2023: leaving no one digitally behind

On 13 March 2023, the Geneva Cities Hub conducted two inspiring panel discussions, as the main organizing partner of the Mayors’ High-level Events at the WSIS Forum. The first event showcased concrete projects and scalable best practices of digital solutions for climate change adaptation and energy transition. The event provided the opportunity to hear directly …

GCH puts forward language proposals on LRGs in new WHO pandemics instrument

The Geneva Cities Hub took part in the 4th session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) responsible for drafting and negotiating a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (WHO CA+) on 28 February 2023. Ahead of the negotiations that will only take place among States, the GCH called upon …

We need a multi-stakeholder coalition of champions on water

On 24 February 2023, a Geneva Urban Debate on the UN 2023 Water Conference was organized with the participation of an excellent panel. Cities and urban areas are very much exposed to water-related challenges – be it water shortages or floods, sanitation, urban health issues or others. However, cities can be also part of the …

Geneva Cities Hub @UCLG Retreat

Speaking in his double capacity as Mayor of Geneva and President of the Geneva Cities Hub (GCH), Mr. Sami Kanaan participated in the annual retreat of the UCLG. He underlined the need to connect better the local and regional governments to international community. He also mentioned that health, human rights (Universal Periodic Review at the …