
The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)

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Headquartered in Geneva, UNDRR is the UN focal point for disaster risk reduction (DRR). It convenes and coordinates risk reduction activities towards a more resilient future, protecting gains made towards the Sustainable Development Goals. UNDRR oversees the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030, supporting countries with its implementation, monitoring and sharing what works in reducing existing risk of disaster and preventing the creation of new risk.


The Sendai Framework


The Sendai Framework recognizes that States have the primary role to reduce disaster risk. But that responsibility should be shared with other stakeholders, including local governments which are formally acknowledged therein. Mayors had actually mobilized during the 2015 UN World Conference on DRR to influence the content of the Sendai Framework and adopted a Declaration of local and subnational governments, coordinated by two mayor international city networks (ICLEI and UCLG).


Making Cities Resilient 2030


Given that more and more disasters hit cities, UNDRR and other partners have been engaging them through the Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) campaign. It strives to ensure cities become inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable by 2030, contributing directly to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 11 and other global frameworks (Sendai Framework, Paris Agreement, New Urban Agenda). MCR2030 is a unique cross-stakeholder initiative for improving local resilience. It does it through:


  • advocacy
  • sharing knowledge and experiences
  • establishing mutually reinforcing city-to-city learning networks
  • injecting technical expertise
  • connecting multiple layers of government
  • building partnerships


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March 5, 2023