
Forum of Mayors 2022

April 4, 2022 10:00 am
  • Viewed - 5240


The Geneva Cities Hub is proud to partner with UNECE for the 2022 Forum of Mayors


The Second Forum of Mayors will be held in hybrid format at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland on 4-5 April 2022. It will be held back-to-back with the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (RFSD) under the theme “Recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic while advancing the implementation of the SDGs”.

The event will provide a platform for exchange and mutual learning where Mayors from the UNECE region will present their efforts to tackle challenges in their cities. Cities will learn from each other’s best practices in the areas of housing and climate-neutral buildings, green cities and nature-based solutions, sustainable urban transport and safer roads, as well as smart urban development solutions.

The programme is now available.

More information on the Forum of Mayors 2022 website.

The Forum will be live streamed on the UN Web TV.


Follow-up to the 1st Forum of Mayors


The 1st edition of the Forum of Mayors was held in 2020. It culminated in the adoption of the Geneva Declaration of Mayors, under which Mayors undertook to, inter alia:

  • Strengthen the resilience of our cities
  • Take ambitious climate action
  • Make our cities greener
  • Accelerate the transition to sustainable energy
  • Ensure urban transport is sustainable
  • Ensure housing is affordable, healthy and adequate
  • Make cities more equitable and inclusive

To follow-up on the Declaration, the Geneva Cities Hub created the Mayors’ Action Platform under the auspices of UNECE and UN-Habitat.

Through the platform, Mayors are able to publish their own success stories, read case studies by other municipalities, and get directly in touch with other city representatives via the integrated chat of the platform.


The first Forum of Mayors took place in 2020 in Geneva. It culminated in the adoption of the Geneva Declaration of Mayors.




To register, please visit the UNECE website.

For the side events, register here.  You will receive the meeting link three days before the meeting.